Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is what we think of Avacado!

This past weekend Uncle Taylor came home from Athens and spent a few hours with us. We went outside and played on a blanket while Ben cleaned off an outside slide for Lucas. Taylor helped us walk the dogs and we all watched them run around the yard.

Ben and Lucas had some much needed cuddle time.

Lucas is really enjoying tummy time lately because he is just about to crawl! Until then, he likes to play with his crawling Pooh Bear and his duckies which encourages crawling. I bet he wouldn't play with them if he knew they were trying to teach him something!

This week Ben started his Microsoft training and leaves early in the morning and comes home so late that he barely has time to give Lucas a bath and then put him down.

I've been staying busy by going to my Chiropractor appointments on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tuesday, Lucas and I got up early and went to take MiMi to her eye doctor appointment. Wednesday, I got a mini-massage at the chiropractor to try and give me some relief and Lucas gave me about 15 minutes of peace before he woke up. Ms. Tonya (or Lucas' girlfriend), the wonderful lady who gives the message, surprised me with a 1 hour massage on her!! Any babysitters?

On Thursday, Lucas and I went over to Samantha's house to play with her two year old little girl, Ava. Lucas thought she was the funniest person he ever met! I think he understood her when she was talking! She was too fast for my camera, but Lucas couldn't resist a photo op...

Lucas loved playing with Ava's blocks, that at first he wasn't even interested in the camera!

Ava had such a great playroom and so many toys for Lucas to explore! He especially LOVED the ball-pen! So, any family out there wondering what to get Lucas, that would be an amazing gift!!

Samantha was so sweet and let Lucas borrow a toy table. So far, he LOVES it! Of course I had to take a picture of him having so much fun, and wouldn't you know the five seconds I let go of him to take a picture, he fell straight backwards!! No worries, he is ok, but I'm sure has a headache! Even though he took a fall, he got right back up and wanted to go again!

Even after such a busy day, Lucas still wanted to get on his laptop (just like Daddy!).
And now, the reason for the title!
I've read that babies really like avocado and have been attempting to feed it to him. He seems to like it when mixed with banana, but here is a video of what he thinks of it by itself...

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