Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mom's Birthday Weekend!

(one of the first pictures with my new camera!)

We have been so busy around here that posting a new blog has almost become an impossibility! However, since it is my birthday weekend, I have a little time off to play.

Let me start out with Friday night. Ben came home with a delicious cookie cake for my celebration on Saturday. Later, we went out to get our tree so we could decorate this weekend. When we returned home, we discovered that all three animals-cat and two dogs- had somehow finished off my birthday cake without it even falling on the floor yet somehow managing to get icing on the refrigerator!!! Yep, my birthday cake was GONE! But, hey we did have a tree.

Saturday, we woke up and began the process of decorating our tree. Ben did a great job putting the lights on, but he is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his REAL Christmas Tree, that it took a few hours. By the time he finished the lights, we had just enough time to all shower and get ready to head up to Dahlonega. We ate at the Smith House for my early birthday celebration. It was so nice having both of my families come to celebrate! We did however, miss GiGi very much. I'm sure we will see her soon though.
I did a good job and sat through the entire meal without asking for a present. Most people know I like the good stuff at the beginning, but no one mentioned it so I was quiet too (however dying inside!) Anyway, the best part finally came and I got to open my first present. I was soooooo excited to discover that the entire family pitched in and got me the camera I have been wanting for almost a year- a Canon Rebel EOS!! It was love at first sight! Thank you everyone! I don't want Aunt Brooke thinking that I was not as excited for her present though. She got me my first ornament of the year, a beautiful Lenox Christmas tree that allows light to shine through it. If you really know me, you know I LOVE Lenox ornaments and I try to get at least one each year. This year we have been so preoccupied with our move and decorating, that I have not had a chance to do this year's ornament shopping. Thank you Aunt Brooke for the ornament, I really do love it!

So, before we could leave the Smith House, we all took a million pictures with my new camera! The decorations were so beautiful and we were all so willing to get our individual pictures with Lucas.

After our family photo shoot, we all headed out in the bitter cold to walk around the square of Dahlonega. Of course I was camera crazy and took a ton of shots...

We ended up spending a lot of time inside a store called "Upstairs Downstairs" which does a wine tasting of all the North Georgia Wines. If you have never been, you really need to make a trip! After the wine tasting detour, we all bundled up and went to the sqaure to watch the parade. Lucas was bundled up in his stroller with blankets all over him!
The parade was great! Lucas got to see some really old cars, horses, dogs and cats, The Grinch and even Santa. To top it off, he even got a few M&Ms and lollipops, which Grandmama used to keep him happy towards the end.

I had such a wonderful early birthday and am so happy to have such a wonderful family! Thank you all for celebrating with me!

Saturday night when we returned home and after Lucas went down for the night, I got to play with my camera and read all about it (yes, I read the owner's manual-thank you dad, I am unable to get a new gadget without reading every detail!)
By the way, this is our beautiful fireplace decorated by the very talented, MiMi.

Sunday morning we woke up and finished decorating our Christmas Tree. I love Christmas, but this year I am really tired of cleaning up after it! Every time we add some more decorations, I end up cleaning! Nonetheless, our tree is now decorated and we have lights outside our house. While Ben was busy with the outside, I was busy inside new camera! Here's a bunch of pics, I would apologize, but I think they are all beautiful! (To really see the clarity of them, click on the picture to make it larger)

Well, that is our weekend and I could not have asked for a better birthday celebration! I promise to TRY and keep up with the blog, but don't get pushy, you have all met Lucas and know that at the end of each day, I just want to watch TV and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thank you all for a wonderful 28th birthday!

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