Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful Husband!!!!

First off, I want to say how absolutely wonderful my husband is! He is a great husband and an admirable father. Ben works so hard everyday to ensure that his family is happy. Every morning when Lucas wakes up, he wants to be the first one to get him. He works so hard all day and still makes time to call and check up on his family. When he gets home from work, Ben takes Lucas and has some quality guy time with him. Lucas has become quite a Daddy's Boy lately. Each night Ben gives Lucas his bath and then gives
him a baby massage with lotion. Next, he reads Lucas a goodnight story "Just Like Daddy" before giving him to me to feed him. I am so lucky that Ben is a great father and a loving husband. Even though I may get cranky at times when Ben works so much, I know that he does it for his family so that I can stay home with Lucas.
Thank you Honey, I LOVE YOU!

This Father's Day, I wanted to really make a big deal out of it so that Ben really knows how much I appreciate him. We woke up Sunday morning and had coffee and fed Lucas. Next came the presents!!! I surprised Ben and got him a new GRILL!!! He was so excited (even though he did guess what it was-I guess you can't hide a big grill box without some guesses!) Lucas "got" daddy a grill cover, a grate cleaner, a book, and a onesie that says "I Love Daddy" (well that's for Lucas)! Ben was totally shocked and ecstatic about his new toys!
Ben spent the morning putting together the grill while Lucas and I played upstairs. Lucas was in rare form, so here is a video of him telling us "No, no, no, and then playing us by pretending to get his feelings hurt!"

After Lucas' morning nap, we all headed to the boat to see Pop-Pop, Grandma, and Uncle Taylor. Lucas LOVES boat rides and is just mesmerized looking at the water behind the boat. When we found the perfect spot to anchor the boat, Grandma and Lucas got on a float in the water. Lucas wore an adorable life jacket suit with
NO diaper. He really thought this entire experience was wierd! But, he loved every minute in the water! He especially liked looking and talking to all the other boats and jet skis around us. It was a day full of excitement at the lake. We were going so fast back to the dock, that Lucas' float flew off the back of the boat and we had to circle several times to grab it. Thanks Uncle Taylor for saving it! After all of that excitement, Lucas crashed out on Daddy while looking at the waves behind the boat.

Our busy father's day continued after the lake because we had to go home and get ready for the Wheeler's to come over for a Father's Day cook out using Ben's new grill. Ben and Uncle Taylor headed up to the store and bought all of the yummy food while Lucas and I started getting things ready at home.

When Pops and MiMi got to our house, we found out that they had already eaten dinner, so we invited my parents over to enjoy all of the food that we bought. MiMi left soon after they got there to go back home. She was leaving the next day to go visit Luke's other Great Grandma that lives out in Arizona.

Lucas was a very busy little boy and trying to get into everything until Grandma finally arrived to play with him. Aunt Brooke and the Schroeders arrived at the same time to our house so we ate right away. Ben did a great job cooking the hamburgers, hot dogs, and baked beans on his new grill! After dinner, Ben left to take Pops back home since MiMi left and my family stayed to help clean up. My parents left and then Uncle Taylor was there to help me give Lucas a bath. Uncle Taylor has become one of Luke's favorite people!

When Ben finally got home after the hour drive, we were exhausted!! Even though it was a crazy busy day, we wouldn't have it any other way and we love it!

Lucas gave us one more Father's Day gift and let us catch him on camera walking!! Enjoy the video...

Happy First Father's Day to the best Daddy ever!

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