Thursday, May 21, 2009

Milestone Mania!!!

Not only has it been a great week with Ben working from home, but it has also been a week full of milestones that Lucas has reached...

It all started on Sunday when we went up to Ben's parent's house. Ben was working on some electronic stuff and MiMi and I were hanging out talking while Lucas played in between us. All of the sudden, Lucas took TWO steps!!!! We started screaming and encouraging him to do more. At first, he steps were sideways like a crab, but after a few practices, he got to THREE steps forward!!! It is so exciting, yet really scary at the same time.

That night as we were eating dinner, I did my usual to feel for any new teeth and sure enough, his right front tooth had poked through!! By Tuesday, the next one was here. It was so sad to see him go through that pain though. His gums were actually bleeding, poor little guy.

Monday was just another normal day, going to the chiropractor. But that night, Lucas went even further and decided it was time to take FIVE steps this time! I tried catching it on video, but he insisted that he wasn't ready to show the world yet. Instead you see him bailing out and crawling. He is very selective about when he walks!

He is also now very fluent with the sign language of "more". He signs "more" almost the entire time he is eating. Below is a video...

One of my favorite things to do at the end of the day is to watch my two boys having their bonding time. Ben gives Lucas a bath and then does a lotion massage. Next, Ben reads Lucas the book, "Just Like Daddy." Lucas feels each page with textures and then turns the page. Each page ends with the phrase "just like daddy" which is what Ben is signing on the picture below.

Tuesday we had lunch with the moms again. This time all of Lucas' friends were awake and active! I honestly don't know how they could sleep between Olivia and Lucas! This has become our favorite outing for the week. Lucas really enjoys playing with other children and I LOVE getting out and socializing with other moms.

To see two CUTE videos (one of Lucas playing ball with Olivia and the other of them with instruments), go to Sam's blog The title will read "My Playgroup Rocks" and scroll down to the two videos. Trust me, they are worth going to for a good laugh!!!

That afternoon, we had our swimming class. The afternoon was already getting a little rocky with Lucas having an upset stomach and then us running late for class because Lucas was a sleepyhead. But when we got there, Lucas had a blast! He is really using his arms and legs very well. Honestly, it's not just the proud mom talking. Even the swim teacher has said that she has never seen an 8 month old trying to swim like he is!!!

Wednesday was very calm around here with Lucas not feeling 100% because of really bad diaper rash. He still found the time to attempt walking again, but not getting any on video.

Today, my little prince touched my heart and started giving me big wet kisses on demand. He is such a little cuddle bug and is also really using the "mamamamama" phrase!!! It is so amazing how much they learn in just a few short months. Next swim lesson, if Ben is there again, I will bring my camera to try and catch a video of our little fish using his arms and feet to swim.

So to sum it up: walking, teething, signing, playing with friends, swimming, kissing, and MAMA!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Lucas! You've been a busy little man. Not this week, but maybe next we can get together for some playtime. Keep up the good work!
