It is so hard to believe that Lucas is actually 6 months today!!! I've put together a list of some of the things we are doing and what Lucas is up to at this 6 month mark.
Unfortunately, he is still suffering from his ear infections and is feeling pretty lousy. It really is funny to see him get an energy burst from his Motrin. Last night he was so hyper I don't think he knew what to do. It was 9:00 p.m. and he was still screaming and playing around.
Lucas has recently become VERY opinionated at what he does and watches. His favorite morning activity is to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He LOVES it when they all dance and sing the "Hot Dog Dance". Lucas also really likes Sesame Street, mainly Elmo. Our all-time favorite things to watch are the Baby Einstein videos. His favorite 3 are: Baby Sign, Baby Mozart, and Get Up and Go! I know some people might not believe us when we say that Lucas is really starting to understand the sign language, but all you have to do is watch him when we sign and you will be a believer! The ones we know he understands are: mommy, daddy, ball, kiss, sleep, eat, drink, and more.
Lucas is now eating oatmeal, bananas, apples, sweet potatoes and pears. He favorite seems to be the pears and his least favorite is the oatmeal. He also really loves it when you mix any of the above together! It has been super easy making his food and I love that I am giving him the very best that I can without all of the preservatives and the unknown of where the food comes from. A struggle we are having is that Lucas refuses to take a bottle. He never struggled with this before, but all of a sudden, he will fight you till the end! Someone did remind me that when babies have an ear infection it hurts more to take a bottle. So, the struggle continues until we just can't take it anymore!
NO, Lucas is not sleeping through the night! I am really struggling with this and wish I knew why he wasn't sleeping. He is barely taking his naps during the day anymore either, ugh! First, it was his teeth. Then, it was the ears. Now, I just don't know. There is nothing that makes you angrier than when another mom says that her baby is sleeping through the night! It's just not fair!!! We have plans to really work on this throughout the weekend. Wish us luck!
Lucas is so active right now. He is almost crawling! We are really scared about this stage, because I don't think you could ever baby-proof a house enough. He can get up on all fours and can inch his way around, but he mainly just goes backwards right now. If he can't get to a toy, he just rolls his way over to it (or yells at us until we get it for him!)
He is also at the stage where he likes to throw things and wait for us to pick them up. He throws his spoon, sippy cup, ball, and any toys on his exersaucer. Lucas is also doing this really cute thing where when he wants you to pick him up, he raises his arms up to you. One of his not so cute actions in the middle of the night is when he rolls around and moves so much that it is hard to put a diaper on him. Speaking of diapers, we just bought his first box of size 3! It is crazy how much he is growing.
Some of his favorite toys are his rolling duckies, his baby laptop, his big and little balls, his baby blackberry, and all of his musical instruments.
Lucas is getting better at traveling around town with us now. He does not mind his car seat so much anymore. During the days we usually go to either the Chiropractor, up to Pop's office, and to Daddy's office. We have a shopping cart cover that is finally getting some use. At first he is not so sure about riding around in the cart and he really prefers to turn himself around to see where he is going.
Tonight we will be celebrating his 6 month birthday at Provinos. We will also be having some family and friends over tomorrow for dinner. If you are able, stop by! Sunday, we are taking him to the Georgia Aquarium. I'll post more pictures of all the events at the end of the weekend.
Have a great day, we will!
You have some handsome guys!