Lucas had quite a fan club at the hospital! The first to arrive was GiGi (Allison's Grandmother). She surprised us by walking in the room at 7:30 a.m.! Next to arrive was Allison's parents (however it all started at 5 a.m. with a phone call checking on us!) Followed closely by was Ben's parents and sister. Allison's brother Taylor came all the way from Athens just in time. We were also very happy to have our closest friends Shawn and Dylan sharing this special time with us. Shawn and Dylan left for a few hours so that Dylan could get to work, only to return shortly after since the labor didn't take as long as expected.
Here is Ben and Penny helping Allison cope with the pain and cold feet!
Ben was so proud to bring Lucas over to the new Mommy!
Here is Lucas' fan club waiting to take him to the Recovery Room.
Here we go, getting pushed by the new Daddy!
Here is Lucas meeting his Grandma Candy, Pop-Pop, and Uncle Taylor.
Lucas being held by his Pop-Pop.
Lucas being cuddled by his Grandma!
Here are the proud Grandfathers!!
Here is Luke being admired by MiMi!
Aunt Brooke and Uncle Taylor couldn't wait to get their turn holding him!
Here is GiGi holding Lucas. This is just the beginning of her inability to put him down because she just loves him so much!
Lucas is getting tired of all the cameras taking his picture!
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